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CASSANDRA is set in the near future, five years after a lethal biochemical terrorist attack when RCA120 was released from aircrafts over major cities across Europe and America. Hundreds of thousands of people were poisoned and for many, particularly children, it proved fatal.


Teenage girl, May, with her father, Tir, stop off at a gas station to fill up their motorhome. A government warning, alerting people to mandatory fertility checks, plays on the radio. Appearing to be deserted, May goes into the rundown kiosk to search for any food and supplies, but is attacked by an unseen assailant and dragged off into the shadows, never to be seen again.


Cassandra is living in a remote farmhouse with widower, Jason. She believes that a voice in her head is a message from God and that she has a prophesy to fulfil; to birth a child that will help heal the world. Living a solitary hunter gatherer existence, their relationship is strained and Jason has a tendency to drink, but they have one unified goal, to procreate.


When the Autumn starts to creep in nomad traveller, Tir, stumbles across their quiet hideaway in search of his missing daughter, May. Witnessing Jason’s bizarre, violent behaviour towards Cassandra he comes to the conclusion that she is being held against her will and needs saving.


Jason has been experiencing increased loss of memory and hallucinations of his dead wife, Anna. He is near a mental breakdown when he discovers that is was Cassandra who killed his pregnant wife by drowning her in the river and has been drugging him since. The film culminates in a violent end with Jason being accidentally shot by Tir, and a pregnant Cassandra stealing the motorhome, to drive off into the dawning of a new day.


A strong dramatic storyline that includes themes of domestic violence, drug abuse and fertility issues, all set against the backdrop of a dark dystopian world.


Written by Tori Butler-Hart

Directed by Matthew Butler-Hart

Feature film - psychological horror

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The KING OF SOHO is based on the life and true events surrounding the famous pornographer and property developer, Paul Raymond. Opening in 2006, with the fictitious final interview Mr. Raymond ever gave, aged eighty, living as a recluse in his penthouse apartment.


The discussion leads to a particular 24 hours in June 1971 when the launch of Paul’s adult magazine, Men Only, coincided with an extortion plot against him. In the early hours an explosion at his family home is followed by a mysterious death threat on the lives of his beloved daughter, Debbie and his estranged wife, Jean. Paul is determined to keep his family safe, but is equally keen to ensure the launch of his magazine goes off without a hitch.


Whilst the extortion plot plays out, we meet Molly a singer at the Revuebar who is working undercover as an M15 agent. Along with another performer, Serena, they identify KGB operatives using the bar as a safehouse to conduct Soviet espionage. Their intelligence leads to the defection of a vital asset under Operation Foot.


Dispersed within the 1971 timeline are flashes forwards and backwards to different interviews and conversations Paul had; some with family, some with work colleagues, some with the press. These glimpses into his life, spanning across decades, allow the film to delve deeper and build a greater understanding of the man who became known as The King of Soho; exploring his influence on the pornography industry in Britain and leaving us to question whether his contribution to it empowered or objectified women.


Written by Tori Butler-Hart

Directed by Matthew Butler-Hart

Feature film - 1970's Period Drama

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Feature film - Christmas Comedy

A Christmas comedy heist film set in London's Soho. 


Sara owns an Italian restaurant in Soho which has been in her family for over 75 years. When she discovers that the council are forcing her to terminate her lease in order to make way for a development, she is determined to stop them. Her husband Mark, a sculptor, discovers that the man behind the development is in fact one of his best clients, Bobby Molotov-Jones. But this does not deter them and instead they team up with a troupe of Drag Queens from the bar next door.


To seek their revenge they concoct a plan to infiltrate Bobby’s Christmas party and steal an extremely rare Fabergé Russian nesting doll whilst putting on a fabulous drag show. But can this group of amateurs pull off a heist worth millions of pounds, in elaborate drag disguises, without being caught?


This is a classic British farce, hilarious as it is heartwarming, touching on the callous gentrification of some of London’s most beloved neighbourhoods with little care for the vibrant communities within them.


Written by Matthew and Tori Butler-Hart

Directed by Matthew Butler-Hart

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Feature Film - Coming of Age Drama

Journalist and documentary filmmaker, Sam Holt, is drawn back to his home town in the North of England after an investigation is opened up into a sexual abuse allegation between an old school friend and Mr. Parker, their charismatic drama teacher. It is alleged he was having an affair with an underage pupil between 1995-1997 and twenty years later his victim, Katie, has found the strength and courage to speak out.


Tom Parker had been Sam’s hero growing up. He’d encouraged him to pursue his dreams as a filmmaker and had offered shelter to him when his violent father lashed out. But when Katie opens up to Sam, her vivid account of the affair compels Sam to help in any way he can.


The film is based on true events, it explores the nature of memory and how unreliable it can be, whilst shifting between present day, VHS footage shot in the 1990's, and flashback memories of the kids involved, now in their 30's.


Written by Matthew and Tori Butler-Hart

Directed by Matthew Butler-Hart


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